Cologne, Rochusplatz, Playground

Linear playground in the middle of a residential complex

This special playground was installed in the Rochusplatz in Cologne. The facility’s linear design and contemporary colour scheme complement the architecture of residential buildings. This playground, featuring a combination of wood and steel, proves especially eye-catching amid the residential buildings.

Three different-coloured crate towers form the centrepiece of this facility. Brave climbers can enter it via a slanted climbing net or one of the various ladders. Once at the top, the three towers are connected to a chain bridge and a net bridge, allowing further exploration. The towers can be exited via a pole or the large freefall slide. Banish boredom here!

No sooner are you back on the ground than it’s time to go back up, this time with our light green cantilever swing.

Various elements such as a sand sieve, funnel, sand lift and sand channel offer a variety of options for playing on the sand platform. A blue light lollipop conjures up bright colours on the ground when exposed to sunlight.

The whole thing is rounded off by wobbly fruits on steel springs, pole spinners and sit-on spinning tops.

Age recommendation Age recommendation
Idea + design Idea + design
KRAFT.RAUM Landschaftsarchitektur und Stadtentwicklung, Krefeld, and Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste
Client Client
GAG Immobilien AG, Cologne
Technical preparation + realisation Technical preparation + realisation
Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste