Duisburg, Franz-Lenze-Square

It’s all about climbing

We installed special new playground equipment in an existing facility on Franz-Lenze-Platz in Duisburg. The see-through rope tower allows hard-working climbers to ascend to different levels, enjoy the view over the entire playground and then experience a wild descent through the tunnel slide. Having reached the bottom, they can then go up into the climbing net area. This offers lots of different climbing elements and options, so there’s no fear of them getting bored.

A wide variety of surfaces, materials, nets and ropes make this climbing landscape an exciting challenge. The many swings right next to the climbing net area can also be used to fly up high. With its many nets and ropes, the entire playground has a see-through look, while remaining striking and memorable thanks to long, colourful posts and light lollipops.

Age recommendation Age recommendation
Idea + design Idea + design
Gert Eussen Visual Projects and Kinderland Emsland Playground
Client Client
Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg - AöR
Technical preparation + realisation Technical preparation + realisation
Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste