Hattingen, "Blast Furnace Playground"

1st place and a commendation for LWL industrial museum "Hochofenspielplatz" at Henrichshütte in Hattingen and "Erdbär Karlchen Ausgrabungsstätte" at Karls Erlebnis-Dorf at Usedom

Themed playground was the guideline of the jury of the German SPIELRAUM-Preis 2017. With the "Blast Furnace Playground" in Hattingen and the "Excavation Playground" in Karls Erlebnisdorf on Usedom two exciting projects from the last years have been nominated. On November 10, 2017, the winners were named in the context of the FSB in Cologne. We are proud and happy to be able to show two winning playgrounds here:

1st Place: "Hochofenspielplatz"
Idea + Design: Landschaftsarchitektin Birgit Diermann
Customer: Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
Technical elaboration + realisation: Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste

Commendation: "Ausgrabungsspielplatz"
Idea + Design: Gert Eussen Visual Projects, Zuidveen, NL in cooperation with Karls Tourismus GmbH, Rövershagen
Customer: Karls Tourismus GmbH, Rövershagen
Technical elaboration + realisation: Kinderland Emsland Playground