Neuss, Grüner Weg

Turn old into new

A special project has been created in Neuss. An old bunker facility from a bygone age has been sustainably redesigned into a modern playground made of robinia wood. This example shows that existing resources can also be used and play elements can be added without interfering with the environment. Our playground was adapted to the location so that the existing facilities could be usefully maintained.

The small bunker system has been equipped with a slide platform, an inclined ramp and a wooden platform. The sand channel, sand lift and sand sieve encourage children to play here. The playground can be explored with the help of a climbing wall, ladders and treads.

A slanted ramp or climbing net takes you from the small bunker to its larger neighbour. Besides the view, there’s even more to discover at a height of 2.70 m. You can leave the playground via an existing slide, the pole or the slanted climbing net.

Age recommendation Age recommendation
Idea + design Idea + design
Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste, and City of Neuss
Client Client
City of Neuss
Technical preparation + realisation Technical preparation + realisation
Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste