Norway, Fosshagen Pedagogical Nursery

Thinking outside the box

An article about the newly opened playground at Fosshagen Pedagogical Kindergarten in Sogndal, Norway, has been published in the journal Playground@Landscape.

The newly opened Fosshagen Pedagogical Kindergarten is located in the small town of Sogndal, surrounded by apple tree plantations. We had the great honour of being part of this project. Organic shapes and sustainable materials have been used to create a space that people of all ages can enjoy.

Two Frieda toddler play houses and two children’s houses were delivered to Norway. These provide places to relax and rest, but also to hide and play together.

The Babajaga treehouse is an eye-catching feature. With attached branch forks, posts at different heights and a rugged hipped roof, the treehouse towers in the middle of the playground and blends perfectly into the idyllic natural environment. Four windows serve as viewing points. A climbing wall with hardwood handles, a stepladder, a net bridge with ropes and various platforms make it possible to rediscover the treehouse over and over again.

Age recommendation Age recommendation
Idea + design Idea + design
Sandvikplay, Norway, and Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste
Client Client
Municipality of Sogndal, Norway
Technical preparation + realisation Technical preparation + realisation
Sandvikplay, Norway, and Kinderland Emsland Playground, Geeste